About This Game Have you ever been on the verge of proportionality? This story is about a single person who was unsure of the nature of things and the physical integrity of things around him. Everyday this man went to his job and dreamed of a time in which, it seems, he didn't exist. Days dashed forward. But then one day after our protagonist took the bus to work, he got off on...a ship.This is an indie game created by one person who is completely in love with the idea of challenging genres.An experiment that tries not to disrupt the tradition or to confuse the player but to instead argue under the framework which restricts the cultural impact on choice. Attempt to transform the quest genre into a full adventure, excluding elements of discipline for mental stimulation.GAMEPLAY FEATURES:•Mix of genres and elements like art, adventure, puzzle, survival and metroidvania games. The player is assisted by expressive mechanisms and visual compositions to understand the main goal of the game.•Engage in converstaion as it is are a source of really useful information. Figure out why the characters in the game got into an argument with each other. Carrying a grudge from old times, which exists only in their faded, smudged eyes.•Use your items from the inventory to induce change into Cube Town.Perhaps it is not just a giant wall but instead a maze inside. Discover the Town’s secrets by exploring the slums and the factory districts.•No need to be frightened by the unfamiliarity. Previously completed objectives will become hints to other players as well as to you.•Health, stamina and thirst are non-renewable and are the player’s source for victory. And while the protagonist can’t fill their thirst themselves, their enemy on the other hand, under some gameplay circumstances, can…•There is only one boss in the whole journey that won’t leave you alone. His roots entangle every corner of the world. An eternal battle with a parasite that threatens to become a part of the environment.•Immerse yourself into the vivid chamber, color the lives here and learn how to cooperate with darkness. 1075eedd30 Title: KrotruvinkGenre: IndieDeveloper:ValdramPublisher:ValdramRelease Date: TBA Krotruvink Torrent Download [License] SUITCASE I6-I4,: Is it really that time of the year for this blatant need to endure the calendar again?But, for a moment, let’s assume time doesn’t exist and the clock hands are standing still, followed by a trail. Stretched over in infinity showing the time that was.That’s why it would be a correct move to show a glimpse of what is to come, but without revealing too much, of course. It might be useful to be on the lookout in a saturated bouquet for a bit more.This time I shall bring to your attention these screenshots from one of the rooms in the castle: As for the dish for the next year before any new announcements I want to wake up the heralds who were unfairly forced to duplicate and repeat the same taste, try to fill them with shiny baubles.With the coming of a New Mesmerizing Year!. CROWN M0-N1,: https://youtu.be/BYp83s6RDic[Sea from the Heart]3;Often I’m faced with situations where identical questions were given to me.And they were: “Why are game descriptions so poor?”Well, I think this holiday is a good time as any for an answer! I find that in the context of indie game development it is typically the case that there is just too much information on a game, unfortunately.First, I still stand by my conclusion that truly unique decisions are a myth. It is also incredibly hard to remain impartial. Usually when you see something that not only looks like the thing you’ve made, but it also simplifies your statements with laughable changes. I’m not going to write my biography here, but let’s just say that again, despite the fact that this game is still early in development, I found other, shadier minds that are stripping away my artistic direction without any idea on how to do it right. Story pieces, visual elements and even audio being taken away or more precisely - music excerpts from various videos.I found a very recognizable pattern in one of those “games” that began to appear just as soon as my Idea was shown, (which also allows me to speculate on krotruvink’s design mood). I do not think they are as good as mine in quality because they don’t know my “secret” so it sounds like a clumsily made sci-fi musical theme, but I shall let others be the judge of that. Still, it’s very similar vis-à-vis to my dynamic.Indeed, those are lazy minds. All I can hope for now is to be acknowledged enough before my diligence will be taken away from me once again.Paradoxically, circumstances are such that I’m incapable of competing with others in the information spreading race at this moment.Game essence is too important to me and it takes up a lot of time.My joy here lies in the accuracy - I predicted content loss and carefully hid some details from the chain. It is quite hard to explain or show proof of the differences between plagiarism and coincidence in a few words. It is however easier to make sure that every copy of the Idea will be a worse copy of the original. [About calendar and demo]28;For the last year I have obeyed the “two months rule” for news (depending on the type of update in distinct social media of course) and it proved to be quite draining for a single man to work with. Even with Mr. Bear’s support.As it appears right now, the information about Krotruvink is still is very specific from other major projects for now, more often than not (but not always C:) it becomes noticed by those who would want to use it for their own purposes.Which is quite unorthodox too, relative to human avarice of course, but this form of “bullets” doesn’t want to be a non-inherent part of the game’s body and only wants to stomp it before “Krotruvink” will be ready.That is the crux as to why future updates will beсome truly different.From the “Suitcase J6-J5” you may already know about a demo version being in production, and are free to visit this special page http://www.valdram.com/krotruvinksumrlihsep.I have a keen willingness to complete it before April-May 2019.During demo development, updates will be fragmented. Might be a little bit incomprehensible, but it’s a great opportunity to save my resolve and foray into usual fiction. [Substantial]15;Maybe I can be a bit too outspoken, but I know exactly that, given the right circumstances, there is a lot of pressure in the web to invest a specific amount of time in reading “dense” information. So, why not leave a note about anything whenever I see fit?For the record, on other matters new to me:NO - I am not selling this game anywhere right now, it’s not ready.Understandably, it is NOT always the same person on the Internet who sends out signals under similar or even the same alias. The Internet is quite a careless place and not all profiles with the name “Valdram” – are true.If you want to find my presence please use links from this page: http://www.valdram.com/Official “KROTRUVINK” page: http://www.valdram.com/krotruvinkDemo “KROTRUVINK:SUMRLIHSEP” page: http://www.valdram.com/krotruvinksumrlihsepSocial pages:IndiedbUE4Daily[ue4daily.com]Facebook[www.facebook.com]VK[vk.com]TwitterItch.io*[valdram.itch.io][Addendum, or rather Permission for making a mess]10;* - Just last month I have participated in a Megajam and finished my prototype[valdram.itch.io] to completion, called “My Bird is hjcrjiyf”. I have created it in 7 days for the Jam.I really enjoyed such an experience and I’m going to further experiment in new suitable possibilities. I need only to find a nice jam theme and a desire to make it real. But for You, for those who, right now, are so irreplaceable to me,I wish You all, with the coming New Year, a period of fabulous happiness and frustration!. SCHISM NO-O1,: Time allows everything to become violet-coloured or hidden.But why is it so necessary to be proportionate to another form?I think I’m creating a certain procession of a compulsory diary.In this diary, between significant replenishments, I want to disclose certain practical instruments. And I would not like them to be just stale silhouettes.That is why I’m interested in applying such experience as “Marmoset Toolbag 2” in order to kill the static nature and allow everybody to individually learn separate parts of the accumulated world.Frequently, our exotic experience starts here: Marmoset Toolbag. Halloween special: N1-N2,: There are so many things that I would like to clarify about, but people do have a fickle will of reasoning. I do not aim to introduce the game for the record, but I’m working on a product which I could have sampled myself.I admit that some things also must be talked about. And of course, let there be no mistake, there cannot be a too long moment of silence regarding gameplay and game concepts. Every update is a part of a slow, gradual introduction.Thus the next message, one I deem necessary, which should imply the other side of things, of the seemingly insane, at first, order.After all, every story, every drop of our blood is a mess composed from capacity and needs.What matters is the relevance of this mess.Getting back to the festive update: Today I will show another part of the plan - One of the links between the Line. Of course it cannot be understandable right now and can even seem inexplicable.But, to explain something properly, you first have to point it straight forward.https://youtu.be/olRC7qm8fK4. SUITCASE L6-L5, May the tree roots never cross their paths.: https://youtu.be/YkV79BHu-14[Warmth outside]8:If you are reading these words with the right context then it’s coupled with the third, I dare say, thematic video. I think next time the best way to provide fanciful information would be to organize veiled clips and explanations with game mechanics directly. But so far it’s just thoughts. We will see. I understand that there are some matters on the swollen surface, probably from the “songs” around, and they are itchy. So, now let us move on to more specific notes: [Contradictory spam-attacks or sorry to those who sent me emails and didn’t get the answer]26:I creating KROTRUVINK in a long-standing passion for gaming culture. It’s not a desire to make just anything as I’m trying to make something explicit. Each element, every sound and mechanic, except localization, are self made. It takes a lot of time and resources, which should be mined and prepared, a lot of enthusiasm and aspirations for the idea I have.When someone is affected by such a shell of costly targets, that person can be scattered with different quills.And I would like to explain this row, ever since February this year I have been distracted by many types of spam attacks.Again mostly benign, deadbeat spam but that is not all of it.Certain attacks looked disgustingly aggressive and were possibly aimed to steal my accounts.I don’t know why these miscreants are so insistent about my profiles. Sadly, this makes it SIGNIFICANTLY more difficult to work on any deadline.Unsurprisingly, some of the more expected spam tactics, like “free keys”, and let me be clear, I don’t consider EVERY letter with “review key/key request” and etc. in the title to be spam, however, right now I have A LOT OF automatic emails with the same subject. Actually, it’s preposterous and particularly tedious to ignore, because I don’t have that much of a concerned real audience right now.Well, and here I’m wasting enough symbols for this anecdote. [Schedule/Closed beta test]34Decided to write this paragraph separately.Initially, I am planning on starting distribution of the game's playable version neatly on a calendar (I run my indicative timetable).But with all that stress from continuous attacks and lack of reason to publish or disseminate playable builds as soon as possible, I think it’s totally understandable that I can’t keep to desired “mind schedule”.Anyway… Closed beta test is planned and will be done without any doubt. Moreover, if by then I will find a few real concerned players, my particular interest would be expanded to different configurations, where participants could help me to make KROTRUVINK better and exterminate all technical inconsistencies.But because of the special few who arise occasionally like a mirage, those talkative identities who periodically send me messages and express their, at first glance, quite plausible interest I believe all problems are not that big of a deal after all.. ELEPHANTS HAVE THEIR OWN GRAVEYARD P0-P2,: I am not confused.But rules are rules, and since the demo “SUMRLIHSEP” is put on an indefinite hold, it would be prudent to elaborate as to why.https://youtu.be/uVtUwLb0wfc[From afar]2;The fact is that this development has a purpose.Objectives which, even if they are harmless, are completely different from the standard developer diet.Maybe that is the reason for this dramatic mystery to start here? With the “Delusional attacks” pointed at me? Most often they emanate from fake accounts or vague faces, drowning in the noise. Such accounts are generally either deleted after a few weeks or rehabilitated into advertisement/clandestine store profiles.Perhaps now my game’s presentation looks crazier than it really is.But you know, I think it’s pretty blithely to try to tell somebody what he should NOT do.Instead it is preferable to both waste energy and DO something yourself, speculating from the disgruntled person’s point of view of course.I understand that invasive emotions are not always loyal to the human mind. Certainly, that vexes me.Usually I would have stepped over this angle and focused on destroying the abyss.Despite myself, this time I think it is better to say a couple of words about those whom I “trusted” greatly a while back.I’m afraid that this year I’ve “fallen”, again, for a beautiful slogan and a useless set of restrictions.It is bothering me that they had access to my parcel.Like last year, I’d keep a little protection for myself because I am greedy when it comes to accuracy.Cut dialogues, audio, special errors in special places, disabled events and variables. They only got the small bits, but that still makes me very angry.I realized rather late that I have sent my due diligence to the the wrong place full of dubious sponsorship but alas.It is a stressful thing or just kind of hard (depending on the scale of the game), to cut out a level from a unified system. Traditionally, removing other areas and redecorating models may be a waste of time most of the time… The ones responsible for my current turmoil were free to choose and based on their choices I can’t read it as anything else but as spitting on my own efforts.[An Era for those who want to talk and those who want to discuss]22;It just becomes much harder to find simple words when a vast amount of work becomes damaged against the cliffs of ancient ties. So where did I get my words from?Well, there are magical people who, if they make a choice they can deliberately decide to avoid the “chemical” signals of routine and instead get carried away.They’re fine-tuning my mood algorithms. Any small “vibration” can help KROTRUVINK, because I… Because I’m bound by my objectives and I have to work hard to sustain this development.For the record, a great pleasure has befallen KROTRUVINK for it to be on the cover of April’s “The Indie Gamer Magazine”:https://www.pantheonnetwork.com/product-page/the-indie-gamer-9-digitalIt came out literally on April Fools day, so don’t be surprised to see a different name in the interview about “KROTRUVINK”.Jeff Porter provided necessary to me support on this difficult road and gave me a Hollow Flower filled with essential petals and the freedom to outline them as I wanted. It’s immortal. To date, it’s a real example of the independent and diversified game press.Special thanks to those who post annotations and notes and those who have been following Zolynh’s social account for more than a week. Maybe it’s a very ceremonial phrase, but it fascinates me deeply to see how scraps of information can still circulate on the Internet without pipes.Come to think of it, this part has already described what was noted on Zolynh, in a single place.So maybe it would be best to stop here, at this locked number...[SUMRLIHSEP]32;If it seemingly happened this year again, why should I not share these “infected” parts? Because it’s incorrect and was only meant for private viewing and finalization prior to “the date”. Now it’s meaningless to increase this passage.I crossed this doorstep on eggshells only to find out that these visual sacrifices weren’t fruitless. So far, I have also learned what technical features do not function properly in the engine or should be tested on different machines. First and foremost however, I need to calm down.Like the air coming from a synthetic balm cap.From the beginning of the year, months have been slipping away and recent spurts have been missed due to a doubtful job.The purpose of this experiment is to counterweight products that are speculating on the “spicy soup”, using templates with mashed up ideas belonging to other people’s quotes.Maybe their sponsored approach is effective, but what does it matter? What will each one of them talk about after all? What is their message? Only echoes, I guess.That’s why I’ll take more time for SUMRLIHSEP, emphasis on practicability.With narrowing wrists,http://www.valdram.com/krotruvink
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